Earth Day/Climate Week

Earth Day, April 22, is part of this year's international Climate Education Week. At, you can find thousands of STEM activities, for all ages, related to the environment, climate and the natural world.

Explorations aligned to the seven Climate Literacy principles can be found In's climate topic section. According to the 7th climate principle, "Climate change will have consequences for the Earth system and human lives." Impacts of a warming climate include sea level rise, declining availability of freshwater resources, increasing extreme weather, acidification of the oceans, disruption to ecosystems and effects to human health and agriculture. Learn about these environmental challenges, and how humans can help address them, with activities like Making Connections: What You Can Do To Help Stop Global Climate Change, Causes and Effects of Melting Ice, Battling for Oxygen and Chemical Footprint: Family Activity.

Visit the Earth Day Network website to learn more about Climate Education Week, find out about Earth Day efforts around the world, and see what you can do to take care of the planet now and in the future.