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Showing results 1 to 20 of 440

Frozen Sculptures
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use objects they find on a nature and water to make creative frozen sculptures.

Bonseki Salt Art
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will be creating art using a traditional Japanese art style.

Rolling Action Art
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners of all ages will roll a ball coated with paint to artistically visualize the motion of the object.

Kinetic Sculpture: Program the Pico Cricket to Make Your Art Light Up or Spin
Source Institutions
Use a Pico Cricket (micro-controller) to animate your art! You can program a Pico Cricket to make your art spin, light up, or make music.

Making Mosaics
Source Institutions
In this archaeology meets art activity, learners make a mosaic and consider the ways in which art communicates.

Crystal Stencil Stars
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 6 of the PDF, learners dissolve Epsom salt in water and discover that the resulting solution can be used to create a work of art.

Shaving Cream Marbling
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create beautiful greeting cards by marbling with shaving cream and food dye. They will explore the chemistry behind the art of marbling.

Make a Totem Pole
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2 of PDF), learners make their own totem poles out of recycled materials.

Floating Head Cup
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners watch a figure "magically" float up through the air.

Art Cars
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners design miniature cars. Learners can create a telephone car, soccer car, merry-go-round car, or any other theme car they can imagine.

Super Shrinkers
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 14 of the PDF (Rethinking the 3 R’s: It’s Easy to be Green), learners turn plain pieces of recycled plastic into shrunken works of art.

Floating Dry Erase Creations
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create a drawing with dry erase markers and watch it come to life. Learners will explore chemistry, art and storytelling through this activity.

African Arts
Source Institutions
In this two-day activity (on pages 16-22), learners use a process like that of the Yoruba people of Nigeria to create an African symbol on cloth.

Puppet Play
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will make a marionette puppet and put on a show. Learners will explore color, design, fabrication and storytelling through this activity.

Let's Make Music
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create their own percussion instrument with recycled materials. Learners will explore design, fabrication, cause and effect and sound through this activity.

Cup Draw
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct drawing machines using a cup, some markers, and a cricket to control the movement. A programmed LEGO RCX or Cricket is required for this high-tech version.

Stained Glass Glue
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 6 of the PDF, learners use glue instead of glass to create artwork that can be hung in a window.

Spherical Reflections
Source Institutions
In this art meets science activity, learners pack silver, ball-shaped ornaments in a single layer in a box to create an array of spherical reflectors.

Paint a Fresco
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 7 of the PDF, learners experiment with the interesting designs that can be made by painting on plaster.
Pósteres de Creatividad y Matemáticas
Source Institutions
Exponga estos pósteres en el salón o déjelos donde los chicos los puedan explorar. Los chicos buscan las respuestas en libros de consulta, explorando el salón, y usando su creatividad.