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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

How Big Were the Dinosaurs?
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 4 of PDF), learners gain insight into the actual size of dinosaurs and practice making estimations and measurements.
Caterpillar Measure
Source Institutions
In this activity, young learners use different-sized paper 'caterpillars' and various household items to predict and measure their height.

Elephant Foot
Source Institutions
Using a real-size sketch of a baby elephant's footprint, learners estimate, measure and record the width (diameter) and outside edge length (perimeter or circumference) of the footprint.

Small Snails, Enormous Elephants
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 2 of PDF) introduces learners to the real size of animals using nonstandard measurement.

Jump Start
Source Institutions
In this movement and measurement activity, learners jump as far as they can three times, and compare their longest jump to the longest jump of their friends, classmates and/or family members.

Digging Deeper!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore dinosaur skeletons and anatomy. Learners make observations about a T. rex skeleton diagram and then measure the skeleton length and width.

Good Catch!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners "go fishing," then practice ruler use and size/pattern comparison with the animals they catch.

Make a Snake String & Snake Survey
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will construct a measuring device (snake "string") to improve their observation skills.