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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Chocoberry Chillers: Volume for Thought
Source Institutions
In this Cyberchase activity, have fun measuring volumes and enjoy a delicious shake.

Digit's Cyber-Dough
Source Institutions
In this fun hands-on activity, learners whip up a batch of cyber-dough (play dough) using math for measurements.

Bianca's Body Math
Source Institutions
In this Cyberchase activity, learners use math to explore how parts of the body are proportional.

Make Ziff's Carpenter's Square
Source Institutions
In this Cyberchase activity, learners make carpenter's squares and use them to measure square corners. Learners cut out the carpenter's square template and attach it to tagboard.

Cool It!
Source Institutions
In this fun hands-on activity, learners use simple materials to investigate evaporation. How can the evaporation of water on a hot day be used to cool an object? Find out the experimental way!