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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Team Up: Fun With Division
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will divide into teams or groups of equal size. “How many teams of three can we make?” “We need an equal number of children at each of the four computers.

Line Up: Using Math To Stand In Line
Source Institutions
Put math of measurement into lining up — and make waiting in line fun. Choose a size characteristic that learners can physically compare, such as foot length or hair length.
Wheel of Fitness
Source Institutions
In this fun activity for any size group, early elementary learners complete physical challenges while playing a game. Learners add new challenges to the "wheel of fitness" that they want to try.

Mountain Man Measurement Rendezvous
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners participate in several activities where they apply measurement skills.