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Showing results 1 to 20 of 64

Attract a Fish
Source Institutions
This outdoor activity/field trip requires a place where minnows swim, such as a local pond or brook.

Source Institutions
This design challenge is an open-ended exploration of linkages, a group of parts connected by hinges, and the types of motion they can create.

Caution! Wildlife Crossing
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners use their creativity and imagination to design and test a wildlife crossing for their favorite animal.

Let's Clone a Mouse, Mouse, Mouse...
Source Institutions
Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) is a cloning method that involves transferring a nucleus from a somatic cell of the individual to be cloned to an enucleated egg.

Fragile Waters
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 18-29) learners explore the impact of the March 24, 1989 oil spill in Alaska caused by the Exxon Valdez tanker.

Grabbing a Bite to Eat
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners perform an experiment that replicates the dilemma faced by birds in acquiring food from a confined area.

Animal House
Source Institutions
The goal of this activity is to design, build and test a house or toy for an animal.

Cats and Canaries
Source Institutions
In this math puzzle game, learners work together to use algebraic reasoning and fun clues for solving word puzzles.

Mapping Mockingbirds
Source Institutions
This lesson plan revolves around studying the speciation of the Galápagos mockingbirds, which are on display at the California Academy of Sciences.

Lever Cowboy
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a figure that moves and "comes to life" when they pull its string.

Calendarios para cualquier año
Source Institutions
Este Web site contiene links a 12 calendarios (12 meses). Cada mes contiene actividades sobre matemáticas.

Biodomes Engineering Design Project
In this design-based activity, learners explore environments, ecosystems, energy flow and organism interactions by creating a model biodome. Learners become engineers who create model ecosystems.

My Insect
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use information gathered from a variety of sources to design and make their own insect.

Corals and Chemistry
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate how increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels is changing the acidity (pH) of the ocean and affecting coral reefs and other marin

Glow Up
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore chemiluminescence and fluorescence. Learners examine 3 different solutions in regular light, in the dark with added bleach solution, and under a black light.

Living Clocks
Source Institutions
In this activity about daily rhythms (on page 17 of the PDF), learners will explore circadian patterns in humans, animals and plants.

Our Sense of Sight: Eye Anatomy and Function
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the sense of sight and develop and conduct their own experiments.

Doghouse Design
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Doghouse Design) is a full inquiry investigation into absorption and reflection of radiant energy.

Harmless Holder
Source Institutions
Have you noticed the plastic rings that are used to hold six-packs of soda? Those rings are great for carrying cans, but they're real trouble when they become trash that animals can get tangled in.

Using a Sundial
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 12 of the PDF), learners make a sundial (shadow clock) appropriate for their geographic location in the northern hemisphere and use it to tell time.