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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Giant Museum: Create a Scale Model
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will predict the size of a giant scale model of a comb or other rectangular object, then make one. If you tripled the size of a dollar bill, could you sit on it?

Divide and Conquer: Santa's Dirty Socks
Source Institutions
This activity introduces the idea of "divide and conquer" using a fictitious but serious problem--a pair of dirty socks has accidentally been wrapped in one of the presents that Santa is about to deli
Fair Shares: Predict Equal Shares
Source Institutions
Use this activity to build division and number sense into any snack time or whenever there is a limited set of things to share among a group: If we deal these out, could everyone get two pieces?
Double or More
Source Institutions
Choose a recipe to double (or triple, quadruple, or halve). Show everyone the recipe and engage them in figuring out: How much will we need to increase the recipe to feed everyone?

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners will brush up on their multiplication, division, and factoring skills with this exciting game.
Team Up: Fun With Division
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will divide into teams or groups of equal size. “How many teams of three can we make?” “We need an equal number of children at each of the four computers.