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Forces on the Human Molecule
Source Institutions
In this physical activity, two lines of learners link hands and arms to model a beam subject to various loading schemes.

Egg Bungee
Source Institutions
Learners attach an egg to a rubber-band bungee cord and drop the egg.

Below the Surface: Surface Tension II
Source Institutions
In this activity learners explore surface tension. Why are certain objects able to float on the surface of water and how do detergents break the surface tension of water?

Masses & Springs
Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners use a realistic mass and spring laboratory. They hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping.

Skateboard Disaster
Learners examine collisions between two skateboards carrying different masses. They learn about conservation of momentum in collisions.
Floating Paperclip and Other Surface Tension Experiments
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners experiment with surface tension using everyday household items such as strawberry baskets, paperclips, liquid dish soap, and pepper.

Breaking the Tension: Surface Tension 1
Source Institutions
Learners explore how the attractive forces between water molecules create surface tension and allow certain objects to float on the surface of water.

Moving On Up: Capillary Action 1
Source Institutions
Over the course of several days, learners explore the property of water that helps plants move water from roots to leaves or gives paper towels the capacity to soak up water.
Balloon Surprise
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover a trick to release the air out of a balloon without popping it.

Moving On Up: Capillary Action II
Source Institutions
Learners explore capillary action in plants (such as plants ability to move water from roots to leaves) in an investigation called Paper Blooms.