Search Results
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Disease Detective
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 35-43) lets learners analyze a "herd of elk" to detect the spread of a bacterial disease called brucellosis.

Bean Bugs
Source Institutions
In this outdoor biology and math activity, learners estimate the size of a population of organisms too numerous to count.

Measuring Biodiversity
Source Institutions
Learners use a variety of beans to represent a variety of species, and scatter these beans over a large piece of paper representing the environment.

Animals in a Grassland
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, warm weather activity, learners use sweepnets to search a grassy area such as a large lawn or field, collecting small animals to find as many different kinds of animals as possible.

Tree Tally
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity and fun race, learners first find the most common type of tree in a forest site.

Topographic Investigation: Map an Underwater Surface
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a map of a hidden surface using a "sounding stick" -- a technique similar to how underwater maps were once made.

Counting Your Lucky Stars
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners sample a star field to estimate the number of stars in the universe.

Cool Tool
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 10-17), learners discover how scientists study biodiversity and the health of the environment based on inspection of small areas—a process known as sampling.

Dirt Life
Source Institutions
After an interest-generating discussion about "dirt" and microbes, learners select and collect soil samples from a variety of locations (schoolyard, home, etc.).

Monitoring Amphibians
Source Institutions
In this field study, learners discover how to collect data in the field and how their efforts can help certain animals, specifically, amphibians.