Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 41

Cleaning with Dirt
Source Institutions
Learners build a filter from old soda bottles and dirt. They create polluted water, and pour it through their filter to clean it.
Trading Places: Redox Reactions
Source Institutions
Visitors add drops of copper sulfate solution onto a steel nail. They observe the nail change color from silver to brown as the copper plates onto the nail.

Cells and Walls
Source Institutions
Using toothpicks, straws, or tubes of rolled up newspaper, learners create 3-dimensional models to illustrate the basic structure and function of the cell membrane, and place an object inside to repre
Forwards and Backwards: pH and Indicators
Source Institutions
Visitors prepare six solutions combining vinegar and ammonia that range incrementally from acid (all vinegar) to base (all ammonia).

Wild Sourdough
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore chemistry and the microbial world by making their own sourdough starter and bread at home using only flour and water.

Waterless Snow Globe
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will investigate static electricity as they create waterless snow globes.

Scavenger Hunt
Source Institutions
An outdoor scavenger hunt helps learners consider the theme of "What Is Life?" Learners explore what living organisms are, including how organisms meet basic needs of food, shelter and water to surviv

Vanishing Craters
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 12-15), learners make a crater model and test the effects of weather (rain) on its surface.
Yeast Balloons
Source Institutions
Visitors observe a bottle with a balloon attached around the mouth. The bottle contains a solution of yeast, sugar, and water.

Digging Into the Past
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 23-27) lets learners simulate the work of scientists who take core samples of Earth's rocky layers to determine geological history.

Mystery Tubes
Source Institutions
Learners investigate a pre-constructed mystery tube to determine its interior mechanism.

Cool It!
Source Institutions
Learners make a refrigerator that works without electricity. The pot-in-pot refrigerator works by evaporation: a layer of sand is placed between two terra cotta pots and thoroughly soaked with water.

Potato Power
Source Institutions
Learners combine hydrogen peroxide with three different forms of potato: raw chunks, ground chunks, and boiled chunks.

A Recipe for Traits
Source Institutions
In this genetics activity, learners create and decode a “DNA recipe” for a dog by randomly selecting strips of paper that represent DNA.

Pollinator Play
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will build a bee hotel for pollinators. Learners will explore building and ecology through this activity.

Make Your Own Ant Farm
Source Institutions
In this outdoor/indoor activity, learners collect ants and dirt to create an ant farm in a cup that they can observe over time.

Build a Fruit Fly Trap
Source Institutions
In this construction activity, students use a 2-liter bottle to build a fly trap.

Cool Tool
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 10-17), learners discover how scientists study biodiversity and the health of the environment based on inspection of small areas—a process known as sampling.

Regolith Formation
Source Institutions
In this three-part activity, learners use food to determine the effects of wind, sandblasting and water on regolith (dust) formation and deposition on Earth.

Dye Detective
Source Institutions
Learners analyze mixtures of dyes using filter paper chromatography. They place spots of the different dyes at the bottom of a piece of filter paper, and hang the paper to touch the surface of water.