Search Results
Showing results 161 to 180 of 911

Yummy Gummy Double Helix
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make their own edible DNA double helix out of candy and find out about the shape of DNA.

Brick Drop Challenge
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, leaners attempt to build a strong structure out of LEGO® bricks that can withstand a 4-foot drop.
Pollution and Lung Health
Source Institutions
Learners will build a lung model to understand how their lungs and diaphragm work to make them breathe.

Decomposition Column
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners turn empty 2-liter bottles into a see-through compost container.

Design Your Own Rube Goldberg Machine
Source Institutions
Engineer and cartoonist Rube Goldberg is famous for his crazy machines that accomplish everyday tasks in overly complicated ways.

Ambiguous Cube
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct a three-dimensional ambiguous cube to explore visual illusions and how our brains interpret or misinterpret information.

Handwashing Laboratory Activities: Bowl Technique
Source Institutions
In this lab (Activity #2 on page), learners compare bacteria growth on two petri dishes containing nutrient agar. Learners touch the doors, faucets, etc.

The Game of Life: Stem Cell Edition
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners play a game that models what happens as stem cells differentiate into different cell types.

Shell Shifts
Source Institutions
Ocean acidification is a big issue due to the amount of carbon dioxide humans release. CO2 in the atmosphere is absorbed into the ocean thus changing its acidity.

Amazon Water Cycle Roleplay
Source Institutions
In this creative roleplay activity, learners will explore the various processes of the water cycle using movement, sound, and props to aid in comprehension.

If Trash Could Talk
Source Institutions
Ancient trash tells archaeologists a lot about the past. In this activity, learners take a close look inside their trash can and think about the clues it offers about their lives.

Make a Totem Pole
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2 of PDF), learners make their own totem poles out of recycled materials.

Paper Towel Strength
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will test the strength of different brands of paper towels.

Spaghetti Bridge
Source Institutions
Play with your food while learning about engineering! Build a spaghetti bridge, then test its strength by piling on the marshmallows, raw spaghetti, raw linguine and coins.

Ice Balloons
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will explore globes of frozen water to learn how to ask and then answer 'investigable' questions. The activity web page includes a short video demonstration.

Party Hat Symmetry
Source Institutions
In this hands-on activity, learners make New Year's Eve party hats out of wrapping paper. Learners use symmetry and measurement to cut out shapes they need to assemble the hats.

Source Institutions
In this outdoor art/environmental activity, learners create designs that will attract attention to animals and plants in particular habitats, and then test whether their designs attracted the "right"

Submarine: Soda Cup Lander
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2), learners create a submarine using a plastic cup. This is a fun way to learn about buoyancy and density.

Cardiac Hill
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity linking human health to the environment, learners use their pulse rates as a measure of the effort expended in walking on different slopes.

Coral, Carbon Dioxide and Calcification
Source Institutions
In this group activity, learners act out key stages of the "ocean carbon cycle" (also known as the "carbonate buffer system") through motions, rearranging blocks and team tasks.