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Showing results 1 to 20 of 27

Exploring Products: Nano Sand
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how water behaves differently when it comes in contact with "nano sand" and regular sand.

African Arts
Source Institutions
In this two-day activity (on pages 16-22), learners use a process like that of the Yoruba people of Nigeria to create an African symbol on cloth.

Exploring Tools: Special Microscopes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use a flexible magnet as a model for a scanning probe microscope (SPM). They learn that SPMs are an example of a special tool that scientists use to work on the nanoscale.

Exploring Materials: Thin Films
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a colorful bookmark using a super thin layer of nail polish on water. Learners discover that a thin film creates iridescent, rainbow colors.

Get-Moving Game
Source Institutions
In this invention challenge activity, learners create an indoor game for one or two people that gets you moving.

Exploring Materials: Hydrogel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how a super-absorbing material can be used to move a straw.

Electric Gamebox Challenge
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners invent a pinball-like game where a kick stick hits a ping pong ball into a target that buzzes.

Antibody Builder
Source Institutions
Learners use Duplo bricks to build antibodies with shapes that match model viruses.

Super Sleuths
Source Institutions
In this physical sciences activity, learners use science to solve a "crime." Learners collect trace evidence (glitter) and explore its characteristics, such as color, size, shape, and light reflection

Kinetic Sculpture
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners build a tower that’s at least 12 inches high with two or more parts that move (spin, sway, or flap) in the wind.

Dance Pad Mania
Source Institutions
Make your own "Dance Dance Revolution" dance pad! In this design challenge activity, learners work in teams to build a dance pad that lets you use your feet to sound a buzzer or flash a light.

Exploring the Universe: Static Electricity
Source Institutions
This activity encourages visitors to build an electroscope—a simplified version of one of the tools scientists use to study the invisible forces on Earth and in space.

Molecules in Motion
Source Institutions
"Molecules in Motion" explores how materials behave and change in a vacuum.

Exploring the Solar System: Moonquakes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners sort different natural phenomena into categories (they occur on Earth, on the Moon, or on both), and then model how energy moves during a quake using spring toys.

Build A Battery
Source Institutions
The Let's Do Chemistry "Build a Battery" activity lets participants learn how batteries work and how materials behave, change, and interact by building their own simple battery out of metal and felt w

Pollen Tracks
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 30-36), learners simulate a dig for ancient pollen, to experience how paleobotanists study fossilized pollen in rocks to learn about early geological and climatological even

Speedy Shelter
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners invent an emergency shelter that can fit a person and is sturdy and quick to build.

Build a Giant Puzzle!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners assemble large cubes to make nano-related images. Learners discover how different objects are related to nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Special Effects Using Household Chemicals
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 4 of the PDF (Behind the Scenes with Chemistry), learners make some special effects, including snow and breaking glass, with supplies found in the home.

Exploring Fabrication: Gummy Capsules
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make self-assembled polymer spheres.