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Showing results 1 to 20 of 254

Dust Catchers
Source Institutions
In this activity related to indoor air pollution, learners build take-home dust catchers with wax paper and petroleum jelly.

Latent Prints
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine fingerprints. Learners leave a hidden print on a surface and then make their own print detecting powder from graphite (found in pencils).

Source Institutions
This design challenge is an open-ended exploration of linkages, a group of parts connected by hinges, and the types of motion they can create.

Caution! Wildlife Crossing
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners use their creativity and imagination to design and test a wildlife crossing for their favorite animal.

Exploring Materials: Nano Gold
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that nanoparticles of gold can appear red, orange or even blue. They learn that a material can act differently when it’s nanometer-sized.

Surface Area
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners discover that nanoparticles behave differently, in part because they have a high surface area to volume ratio.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will investigate air and gravity through the use of various fabrics by through them in the air. Activity includes step-by-step instructions and extension ideas.

Screen Time
Source Institutions
This game asks you a series of questions about how much time you spend in front of a screen, not being active.

Cupcake Delivery
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will create wind-powered contraptions to transport a load, such as a cupcake or another small object, and test to see if they work.

Drain Game
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 36-39), learners make a model of a watershed out of paper, then run water down the mountain to simulate how rainfall and pollution affect watersheds.

Sound Charades
Source Institutions
In this game, learners create flash cards with an image on one side (of an animal, for example) and the sound that animal makes on the other.

Universal Indicator Rainbow Trout
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners cut out a fish and then "paint" it using universal indicator and acids and bases.

Disease Detective
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 35-43) lets learners analyze a "herd of elk" to detect the spread of a bacterial disease called brucellosis.

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see how glaciers grow and shrink. They will use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.

Exploring Products: Nano Sand
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how water behaves differently when it comes in contact with "nano sand" and regular sand.

Design For All: Project Playground
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will practice empathy and design thinking skills by creating a play space that is fun, both for themselves and other kids.

Engineering For Earthquakes
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will engineer a structure and see if it can survive an earthquake they create.

Exploring Materials: Liquid Crystals
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that the way a material behaves on the macroscale is affected by its structure on the nanoscale.

African Arts
Source Institutions
In this two-day activity (on pages 16-22), learners use a process like that of the Yoruba people of Nigeria to create an African symbol on cloth.

Kelp Critters
Source Institutions
This marine biology activity (on pages 11-17) introduces learners to kelp (seaweed) forests that grow in the ocean and are home to many species of sea animals.