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Showing results 1 to 20 of 550

Metal Reactions
Source Institutions
This is written as a static display, but can easily be adapted to a hands-on experiment for learners to conduct.

Icy Investigations
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners of all ages can enjoy experimenting with ice. Try this experiment at the kitchen table or in the great outdoors to encourage budding scientists to experiment with ice.

Where Are the Distant Worlds? Star Maps
Source Institutions
This fun hands-on astronomy activity lets learners use star maps (included) to find constellations and to identify stars with extrasolar planets (Northern Hemisphere only, naked eye).

Source Institutions
This design challenge is an open-ended exploration of linkages, a group of parts connected by hinges, and the types of motion they can create.

Caution! Wildlife Crossing
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners use their creativity and imagination to design and test a wildlife crossing for their favorite animal.

Chemical Footprint—Family Activity
Source Institutions
In this multi-part activity learners examine non-point water pollution.

Exploring Materials: Nano Gold
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that nanoparticles of gold can appear red, orange or even blue. They learn that a material can act differently when it’s nanometer-sized.

Surface Area
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners discover that nanoparticles behave differently, in part because they have a high surface area to volume ratio.

Hot Equator, Cold Poles
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use multiple thermometers, placed at different angles, and a lamp to investigate why some places on Earth's surface are much hotter than others.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will investigate air and gravity through the use of various fabrics by through them in the air. Activity includes step-by-step instructions and extension ideas.

Algae in Excess
Source Institutions
Plants need nutrients to grow. This is why we apply fertilizers to grass and food crops. In this activity, learners will explore how fertilizers can affect lakes and other bodies of water.

Goodness Gracious! Great Balls of Gluten!
Source Institutions
This is an activity about a very important ingredient in most baked goods - gluten! Why is gluten so important? Without it, there would be nothing to hold the gas that makes bread rise.

Cupcake Delivery
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will create wind-powered contraptions to transport a load, such as a cupcake or another small object, and test to see if they work.

Collect Oxygen Over Water
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use a pneumatic trough (see related activity) to generate and collect pure oxygen.

Sound Charades
Source Institutions
In this game, learners create flash cards with an image on one side (of an animal, for example) and the sound that animal makes on the other.
Trading Places: Redox Reactions
Source Institutions
Visitors add drops of copper sulfate solution onto a steel nail. They observe the nail change color from silver to brown as the copper plates onto the nail.

A Flag for Your Planet
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners design a flag for a chosen or assigned planet. The instructions include information about flags on Earth, and a list of flag references.

Battleships: Searching Algorithms
Source Institutions
This activity explores the main algorithms that are used as the basis for searching on computers, using different variations on the game of battleships.

Wheat Evolution: Sedimentation Testing
Source Institutions
In this activity (Page 30 of PDF), learners investigate the evolution of wheat by conducting sedimentation tests on different flours.

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see how glaciers grow and shrink. They will use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.