Search Results
Showing results 61 to 80 of 550

Citizen Science at Home
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will be introduced to citizen science projects that can be done from home.

Pendulum Fun
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will explore pendulum motion through scientific trials by using household items with different length strings.

Gummy Shapes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use chemistry to “self-assemble” gummy shapes. Learners discover that self-assembly is a process by which molecules and cells form themselves into functional structures.

Waterproof Hanky
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners will be surprised when a handkerchief holds water in an upside-down glass.

An Ice Lens
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners discover basic lens-making techniques by using a tennis ball to make a lens out of ice.

Counting With Quadrants
Source Institutions
Millions of organisms can live in and around a body of water.

Make a Prism
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will make their own prism and use a glass of water to separate sunlight into different colors.

Inkjet Printer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate how inkjet printers produce tiny, precise drops of ink.

Metamorphosis Matching
Source Institutions
This is an activity where learners will compare the different metamorphosis stages of amphibians.

Exploring Materials: Thin Films
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a colorful bookmark using a super thin layer of nail polish on water. Learners discover that a thin film creates iridescent, rainbow colors.

Sky Time: Kinesthetic Astronomy
Source Institutions
Through a series of simple body movements, learners gain insight into the relationship between time and astronomical motions of Earth (rotation about its axis, and orbit around the Sun), and also abou

Nebula in a Jar
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will build a model of a nebula using cotton balls and colored water. Astronomers photograph nebulas and add colors to provide information about the nebula's composition.

Wild Sourdough
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore chemistry and the microbial world by making their own sourdough starter and bread at home using only flour and water.

Whose Fault Is It?
Source Institutions
In this seismic simulation, learners play a "who-dunnit" game to explore earthquakes.

Jem's Pykrete Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make pykrete by freezing a mixture of water and a material like cotton wool, grass, hair, shredded paper, wood chips, or sawdust.

Introduction to the New Chain Gang
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use pop-beads to understand the characteristics and properties of polymer chains.

Bounce vs. Thud Balls
Source Institutions
Learners compare the properties of two balls that appear identical. One ball bounces, while the other ball "thuds." The “bounce” ball is made of the polymer polybutadiene (-C4H4-).

Flashy Fish
Source Institutions
Professor John Endler traveled to Trinidad in the 1970s to study wild guppies. In this activity, learners take part in an online simulation of Endler's work.

Source Institutions
In this chemistry lab activity, learners model the colors of fireworks by burning metallic solutions in a flame and observing the different colors produced.

Cool Hot Rod
Source Institutions
If you have access to a copper metal tube, this activity does a great job demonstrating what happens to matter when it's heated or cooled. This activity requires some lab equipment.