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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26

Caution! Wildlife Crossing
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners use their creativity and imagination to design and test a wildlife crossing for their favorite animal.

Planaria Regeneration
Source Institutions
In this experiment with planaria (a type of flatworm), learners will investigate the capability of different body sections to regenerate.

Exploring Materials: Thin Films
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a colorful bookmark using a super thin layer of nail polish on water. Learners discover that a thin film creates iridescent, rainbow colors.

Animal House
Source Institutions
The goal of this activity is to design, build and test a house or toy for an animal.

Natural Selection in Protected and Unprotected Populations
Source Institutions
In this simulation, learners model two elephant seal populations and how they change over time. Learners start with cards representing a variety of seals.

Mapping Mockingbirds
Source Institutions
This lesson plan revolves around studying the speciation of the Galápagos mockingbirds, which are on display at the California Academy of Sciences.

Thymus DNA Extractions
Source Institutions
This laboratory exercise is designed to show learners how DNA can be extracted from a chunk of thymus (sweetbread) or liver.

Web It!
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners investigate spider webs and feeding behavior, particularly how spiders trap food in their sticky silk webs while not getting stuck themselves.

Aviary Architect
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners are challenged to design, build and test a birdhouse that will stay cool in the sun.

Plankton Races
Source Institutions
In this two-part activity, learners investigate buoyancy, density and surface area as well as biodiversity and the relationship between the structure and function of organisms.

Source Institutions
In this activity about vision and optical illusions, learners conduct a simple test to demonstrate how our eyes create "afterimages." Learners stare at a black cardboard bat for at least 30 seconds an

Gene Switches
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how genetic switches function and the role of genetic switches in the process of evolution.

Bird Feeder Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners are challenged to build a bird feeder using recycled materials from home and are encouraged to problem solve during the extensions.
The Blue Crab's Chesapeake Journey
Source Institutions
In this data collection activity about crabs, learners use data from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) trawl survey to determine the areas of the Chesapeake Bay that are being used by bl

What Cells Can I See in Muscle and Spinal Cord Tissues?
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 37 of the PDF), learners observe, on a prepared slide, muscle and spinal cord cells from a rat.

The Carbon Cycle: Carbon Tracker
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners play NOAA's Carbon Tracker game and discover ways to keep track of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the world.
Harmful Algal Blooms: In Full Bloom
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will investigate the impacts of harmful phytoplankton using NOAA's Coastal Services Center Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting (HABF) Project data.

The Beaks of the Finches
Source Institutions
In this simulation, learners become birds different beak types. Learners use various tools to represent beaks to pick up seeds and place them in a petri dish.

Source Institutions
Learners imagine they are paleontologists in Florida, where they find (remove from envelope) paper "fossils" of some unknown creature, only a few at a time.

Bug Hotel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create a home for animal friends in their backyard using recycled materials. Some material suggestions include: pine straw and twigs.