Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 56

Caution! Wildlife Crossing
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners use their creativity and imagination to design and test a wildlife crossing for their favorite animal.
Mercury in the Environment
Source Institutions
In this environmental science lesson, learners will examine the dangers of mercury and how humans contribute to growing mercury emissions on Earth.

Cartesian Diver
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of density and pressure. A "diver" constructed out of a piece of straw and Blu-Tack will bob inside a bottle filled with water.
Let's Count Humpback Whales: Environmental Effects on Population
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use whale count data from the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary to compare whale counts in relation to environmental factors.
Fish Communities: National Marine Sanctuaries
Source Institutions
In this data activity, learners will compare and contrast fish communities, diversity and habitats in U.S. National Marine Sanctuaries.

Rock Pioneers
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity/field trip, learners investigate organisms that live along the ocean's rocky coast.

The Scoop on Scallops
Source Institutions
In this data analysis activity, learners quantify the abundance and distribution of sea scallops in and adjacent to the Mid-Atlantic closed areas.

Crunch Time
Source Institutions
In this quick and easy activity and/or demonstration, learners use two empty 2-liter bottles and hot tap water to illustrate the effect of heat on pressure.
Catch & Release II: It's Catching On!
Source Institutions
Throw that fish back? A new generation of ethical anglers concerned about conserving resources is participating in "catch and release" fishing. How is this going?

Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity and observation game, learners hunt for a variety of textures, colors, odors and evidence of organisms in the activity site.

Tabletop Biosphere
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a sealed, mini ecosystem that supplies freshwater shrimp with food, oxygen, and waste processing for at least three months.

The Great Plankton Race
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners are challenged to design a planktonic organism that will neither float like a cork nor sink like a stone.

Clam Hooping
Source Institutions
In this two-part outdoor activity, learners conduct a population census of squirting clams on a beach or mudflat, and investigate the clams' natural history.

Chilean Sea Bass: Off the Menu
Source Institutions
In this data analysis activity, learners use data collected by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to study Chilean sea bass populations.

Plankton Feeding
Source Institutions
This activity provides a hands-on experience with a scale model, a relatively high viscosity fluid, and feeding behaviors.

Seas in Motion
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, beach activity, learners use tennis balls, water balloons and other simple devices to investigate the movement of waves and currents off a sandy beach.

Biodiversity and Evolutionary Trees
Source Institutions
In this interactive activity, learners analyze seashells to explore phylogeny and evolution. Learners identify similar and dissimilar seashells to create a phylogenetic tree.

Plankton Races
Source Institutions
In this two-part activity, learners investigate buoyancy, density and surface area as well as biodiversity and the relationship between the structure and function of organisms.

Coral Snapshots: Biodiversity in Marine Protected Areas
Source Institutions
In this data activity, learners analyze data from coral reef snapshots taken by scientists at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

The Best Dam Simulation Ever
Source Institutions
This online simulation game explores the different consequences of water levels on the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest.