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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Erosion and Floods
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create models of erosion and floods and learn to recognize both in their environment.

LEGO Orrery
Source Institutions
Use this model to demonstrate the goal of NASA's Kepler Mission: to find extrasolar planets through the transit method.

Shake Table
Source Institutions
This activity guide includes instructions on how to build a "Shake Table" by mounting an eccentric mass (off center) on the shaft of a small dc motor.

The Squeeze Box
Source Institutions
In this geology activity learners build a "squeeze box," which allows them to compress layers of sediment. This is a great way to investigate folding and faulting in the Earth.

Rocket Wind Tunnel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners evaluate the potential performance of air rockets placed inside a wind tunnel.

Ice on Mars
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use sand and ice cubes to create a model of permafrost and the effects of the ice melting through the surface.

Exploration Vehicles
Source Institutions
Using recycled materials, learners will design a transportation vehicle to carry an egg in an egg toss (a rudimentary model of a shock absorbent transport vessel).

Protein Factory
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners take on the role of various parts of the cell in order to model the process of protein synthesis.