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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24

The Scoop on Habitat
Source Institutions
Some aquatic organisms live in open water, while some live in soil at the bottom of a body of water.

Animal House
Source Institutions
The goal of this activity is to design, build and test a house or toy for an animal.
Fish Communities: National Marine Sanctuaries
Source Institutions
In this data activity, learners will compare and contrast fish communities, diversity and habitats in U.S. National Marine Sanctuaries.

Fish Features and Habitats
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners observe live fish in tanks to consider how their body structures are related to their behaviors and habitats.

Healthy Habitats Have Native Plants
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners help identify native and non-native plant species, learn about invasive species, and determine how native plants provide a healthier habitat.

Measuring Biodiversity
Source Institutions
Learners use a variety of beans to represent a variety of species, and scatter these beans over a large piece of paper representing the environment.

Source Institutions
Learners create a model of a wetland to observe how it absorbs and filters water from the environment.

Extreme Lifestyles
Source Institutions
In this matching game, learners study the limits of life on Earth to see what other places in the solar system might sustain microbial life.

Fish Wheels
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners cut out and assemble wheels to explore how variations in fish body structures (mouth shape/position/teeth, body shape, tail shape, and coloration patterns) allow fish to sur

Biological Succession in a Microecosystem
Source Institutions
This laboratory activity helps learners understand the concept of biological succession by simulating the process in a microenvironment with various protozoans.

Introduction to Ocean Zones
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create a diagram of the ocean zones and determine what organisms live in each zone.
The Blue Crab's Chesapeake Journey
Source Institutions
In this data collection activity about crabs, learners use data from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) trawl survey to determine the areas of the Chesapeake Bay that are being used by bl

Water Walk
Source Institutions
Learners take a field trip along a local body of water and conduct a visual survey to discover information about local land use and water quality.

An Interdisciplinary Deer and Human Population Study
Source Institutions
This activity helps the learner answer the question: "What environmental problems arise due to animal and human overpopulation and what might need to be done to combat these problems?" Learners play a

Conservation Island
Source Institutions
In this lesson, learners will understand the concepts behind endangered and extinct animals and develop their own conservation plan to save three endangered species.

Habitable Worlds
Source Institutions
In this group activity, learners consider environmental conditions—temperature, presence of water, atmosphere, sunlight, and chemical composition—on planets and moons in our solar system to determine

Small Habitats
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a model of a self-sustaining habitat (growing grass and beans from seeds).

Marine Ecosystems
Source Institutions
In the wild, small crustaceans known as brine shrimp live in marine habitats such as saltwater lakes.

Can Fishing
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners go "can fishing" and discover the kinds of aquatic organisms that live in and on submerged cans.

Freshwater Ecosystems
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a freshwater ecosystem in a large plastic bottle. Learners cut and prepare bottles, then fill with water, aquatic plants, snails and fish.