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What's In Your Breath?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners test to see if carbon dioxide is present in the air we breathe in and out by using a detector made from red cabbage.

Wash Away Germs
Source Institutions
Many germs spread by our hands, and often times, people don't wash their hands well enough to get rid of germs.

Strong Bones, Weak Bones
Source Institutions
Most people will break a bone in their body at some point in their life, but how much force does it take to break one?

Bone Fractures
Source Institutions
Most people break at least two bones in their lifetime. In this activity, learners will use celery stalks to model the many ways that bones can fracture.

The Gas You Pass
Source Institutions
Although we may not admit it, all humans fart or pass some gas. In this activity, learners make their own model to mimic food passing through intestines and discover what releases gas.

Build a Lung
Source Institutions
Most of the time, we don't have to think about breathing. In fact, you're probably breathing right now without thinking about it!

Snotty Nose
Source Institutions
Our bodies produce snot, or mucus, that we blow from our noses. In this activity, learners will create a model of how snot works and will explore how it keeps our bodies healthy.

Make a Heart Valve
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a model of a one-way heart valve to investigate how a heart controls the direction of blood flow.

What's in Your Blood?
Source Institutions
Doctors often send a sample of blood to a lab, to make sure their patients are healthy.