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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

Twisted Tesselations
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 41-47 of PDF), learners explore tesselating geometric patterns (repeated shapes, similar to the art of M.C. Escher).

Giant Chromosomes: Fruit Fly DNA and You
Source Institutions
Many of the genetic sequences found in the fruit fly genome are similar to those found in humans.

Musical Sculpting Machine: Squeeze Play-Doh to Make Music
Source Institutions
Play-Doh is conductive! Use the semiconductive qualities of Play-Doh to make your own squeezable instrument. Pico Cricket is required.
The Earth's Timeline
Source Institutions
In this group activity, learners will mark important developments of life on Earth on a timeline (each foot in length representing 200 million years).
Light on Other Planets
Source Institutions
In this math-based activity, learners model the intensity of light at various distances from a light source, and understand how astronomers measure the amount of sunlight that hits our planet and othe

Tricky Tangrams
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 49-54 of PDF), learners play with tangrams, a set of triangles, squares and a parallelogram that can combine into a larger square as well as all sorts of other shapes.

Mini Tree House Build
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners are challenged to design and build a miniature tree house in a potted plant. This activity uses engineering concepts to encourage creativity.

Circuit Bending with Play-Doh
Source Institutions
Break open that used musical toy and squish some Play-Doh over the circuit boards, and you will hear some weird and distorted sounds the manufacturer never intended!

A Universe of Galaxies: How is the Universe Structured?
Source Institutions
This fun hands-on astronomy activity lets learners explore models of the Milky Way and other galaxies to get a sense of relative distances to other galaxies.

Clippy Island: An Investigation into Natural Selection
Source Institutions
In this activity, leaners will observe the process of natural selection on a population of birds called 'Springbeaks' over four seasons of breeding on an isolated environment called 'Clippy Island.' L

Be A Pasta Food Scientist
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners of all ages can become food scientists by experimenting with flour and water to make basic pasta.

Musical Gloves
Source Institutions
Put on a pair of gloves and be the conductor of your invisible orchestra!

The Thousand-Yard Model
Source Institutions
This is a classic exercise for visualizing the scale of the Solar System.

Make Pan Pipes
Source Institutions
This is a simple activity for learners to create a traditional musical instrument. Pan Pipes have developed all over the world in different cultures, from South America to Greece and China.

Runaway Runoff
Source Institutions
When it rains, water can collect on top of and seep into the ground. Water can also run downhill, carrying soil and pollution with it.

Water Treatment
Source Institutions
Water treatment on a large scale enables the supply of clean drinking water to communities.