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Showing results 1 to 20 of 47

Exploring Materials: Nano Gold
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that nanoparticles of gold can appear red, orange or even blue. They learn that a material can act differently when it’s nanometer-sized.

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see how glaciers grow and shrink. They will use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.

Engineering For Earthquakes
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will engineer a structure and see if it can survive an earthquake they create.

Exploring Materials: Liquid Crystals
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that the way a material behaves on the macroscale is affected by its structure on the nanoscale.

Design For All: Imagining Inventions
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will practice empathy and design thinking skills by creating an invention of the future.

Salts & Solubility
Source Institutions
In this online interactive simulation, learners will add different salts to water and then watch the salts dissolve and achieve a dynamic equilibrium with solid precipitate.
Pósteres Sobre el Espacio y Matemáticas
Source Institutions
Exponga estos pósteres en el salón o déjelos donde los chicos los puedan explorar. Los chicos buscan las respuestas en línea, en libros de consulta, y en calendarios y almanaques.

My Solar System
Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners build their own system of heavenly bodies and watch the gravitational ballet.

Exploring Size: Tiny Ruler
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate just how small a billionth of a meter is by attempting to cut a paper ruler down to a nanometer-sized sliver.

Exploring the Universe: Space Guess Quest
Source Institutions
Space Guess Quest is a fun game that encourages participants to identify the many types of objects in space, from human-made spacecraft to nebulas, galaxies, stars, and worlds.

Exploring Materials: Hydrogel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how a super-absorbing material can be used to move a straw.

Exploring the Solar System: Asteroid Mining
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will imagine the challenges and opportunities of asteroid mining.

Soil Density
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will test soil content using their sample, some water and a container that seals.

Flower Power
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will experiment with changing flower colors. Learners will investigate the effects of acids and bases on flower colors.

Exploring Earth: Land Cover
Source Institutions
This activity models some of the ways natural processes, such as erosion and sediment pollution, affect Earth’s landscape.

Antibody Builder
Source Institutions
Learners use Duplo bricks to build antibodies with shapes that match model viruses.

Exploring the Universe: Static Electricity
Source Institutions
This activity encourages visitors to build an electroscope—a simplified version of one of the tools scientists use to study the invisible forces on Earth and in space.

Molecules in Motion
Source Institutions
"Molecules in Motion" explores how materials behave and change in a vacuum.

Globe at Night
Source Institutions
In this international citizen science activity, learners measure their night sky brightness and submit their observations into an online database.

Pósteres Sobre Animales y Matemáticas
Source Institutions
Exponga estos pósteres en el salón o déjelos donde los chicos los puedan explorar. Los chicos buscan las respuestas en libros de consulta o en línea.