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From the Internet to Outer Space
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will use Google Sky to observe features of the night sky and share their observations.

Momentos de Mixing in Math: Varias Actividades Matemáticas de 5 ó 10 Minutos
Source Institutions
Los Momentos de Mixing in Math son actividades de 5 a 10 minutos que mantienen a los chicos ocupados, aprendiendo sobre el mundo, y usando matemáticas por su cuenta.
Math and Creativity Posters
Source Institutions
These math posters have questions written on them, such as: How many colors can you name in a minute? or How many seconds can you balance on one foot?

Who Eats What?
Source Institutions
This activity is on page 10 (continued on the right side of page 11) of the pdf, part of the Forest Animals Discovery Box. In this game, learners act out the food web.

Mixing in Math Moments: Several 5-10 Minute Math Activities
Source Institutions
This website contains several activities. Mixing in Math Moments are activities that take 5-10 minutes that keep learners occupied, learning about the world, and using math on their own.
Pósteres de Creatividad y Matemáticas
Source Institutions
Exponga estos pósteres en el salón o déjelos donde los chicos los puedan explorar. Los chicos buscan las respuestas en libros de consulta, explorando el salón, y usando su creatividad.