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Showing results 1 to 20 of 206

Say Cheese!
Source Institutions
Create a chemical reaction that makes cheese! This hands-on activity demonstrates that molecules and atoms are tiny particles that make up everything around us.

Edible Model of the Sun
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make "solar cookies," edible models of the Sun's outer layers using sugar cookies and toppings.

Universal Indicator Rainbow Trout
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners cut out a fish and then "paint" it using universal indicator and acids and bases.

Nature Painting
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will create paint out of natural materials. Explore your natural world (or your fridge) and find berries, leaves, or flowers to find a great base for your paint.

Digit's Cyber-Dough
Source Institutions
In this fun hands-on activity, learners whip up a batch of cyber-dough (play dough) using math for measurements.

Exploring Products: Nano Sand
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how water behaves differently when it comes in contact with "nano sand" and regular sand.

M&M's in Different Temperatures
Source Institutions
Learners design their own experiment to investigate whether the temperature of the surrounding water affects the rate at which the colored coating dissolves from an M&M.

Beaded Braids: Investigating Patterns & Ratios
Source Institutions
In this activity learners create patterns of hair beads.

Source Institutions
Learners trace, cut out and fly a boomerang, outdoors or in a large indoor space.

Bug Hats
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use their imaginations and experiment with different materials to create bug hats.

Traveling Through Different Liquids
Source Institutions
Learners observe and record what happens when they manipulate bottles containing a liquid (water or corn syrup) and one or more objects (screw, nail, paper clip).

Basking Basics
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will explore reptile biology by taking temperature readings in various places and comparing them.

Slippery Coqui Eggs
Source Institutions
In this activity, multiple learners will use a game with ballloons to learn about coqui frog behavior.

Subtractive Paint Prints
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners of all ages will experiment with paint and printmaking.

Make Maracas
Source Institutions
Make a rattle-like musical instrument! Shake it, hit it, spin it any way you want to!

Exploring How Liquids Behave
Source Institutions
Learners apply their knowledge from a previous study to identify different liquids--water, corn syrup, and vegetable oil.

Film Canister Farming
Source Institutions
In this hands-on botany activity, learners sprout vegetables in film canisters.

Guess My Number
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners play a game similar to 20 Questions, in which learners must identify a secret number drawn from a bag.
Growing Plants: Track Their Growth
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will be working with predictions with a time frame of one week, or longer. Start by planting seedlings.
Magic Wand Creations
Source Institutions
This is an activity in which learners create magic wands from a variety of materials making their choices by considering what kind of magic they want to make.