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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Spider Glider
Source Institutions
In this fun activity about spiders, learners build and design a spider from cardstock, straw, string, and pipe cleaners.

NEWspaper: Make Your Own Paper
Source Institutions
Learners make their own paper using old newspaper. Learners can make their paper colorful by adding construction paper.

Straws and Airplanes
Source Institutions
Create airplanes from straws and geometric shapes. Test them out to see how far they can fly, or how accurately they can be aimed.
Magnus Glider
Source Institutions
A design challenge that takes paper airplanes into an entirely different direction: a magnus glider uses cups and and rubber bands to create a glider that uses the same forces that a curveball (from b

Strong Shapes
Source Institutions
Is a square stronger than a triangle? Use tongue depressors to build simple shapes. Then apply a little weight to them and see what happens!

Spinning Tops
Source Institutions
Create your own spinning top, and explore color, shapes and spinning. This activity contains instructions for making your spinning top, and tips on how to design and decorate it.

Parachuting Pinwheel
Source Institutions
Build a pinwheel that works without wind! This activity contains steps on how to build a parachuting pinwheel out of paper, a film canister, and some brads.

Tissue Paper Parachute
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a parachute out of tissue paper, tape, and string. Then, learners test their parachute to see how many paper clips it can carry.

Balloon Rocket
Source Institutions
Experiment with force and pressure by building a balloon rocket. When launched, the balloon will run a track wherever you place the string.