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Invisible Ink Demonstration
Source Institutions
In this chemistry demonstration, learners will discover that phenolphthalein is a chemical that displays different colors depending on the acidity or basicity of the environment.
Forwards and Backwards: pH and Indicators
Source Institutions
Visitors prepare six solutions combining vinegar and ammonia that range incrementally from acid (all vinegar) to base (all ammonia).

Of Cabbages and Kings
Source Institutions
This lesson gives full instructions for making cabbage juice indicator, a procedure sheet for learners to record observations as they use the indicator to test materials, and extension activities to d

Finding Colors
Source Institutions
In this chemistry challenge, learners combine acids and bases in a universal indicator to create five different colors.

Chemical Identification
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how a cabbage juice indicator helps identify acids and bases, and how iodine indicates the presence of starch.

Candy Chemistry
Source Institutions
In this experiment, learners test multiple food items to see if they are an acid or base using an indicator solution created with red cabbage.