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Showing results 1 to 20 of 240

Attract a Fish
Source Institutions
This outdoor activity/field trip requires a place where minnows swim, such as a local pond or brook.

Right Foot/Left Foot
Source Institutions
In this activity (2nd on the page), learners conduct a series of tests to find out which foot is more dominant. In other words, are they right-footed or left-footed?

Share Your Planet
Source Institutions
In this cooperative game, learners devise strategies about sharing a small space with each other.
What Do Birds Do?
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Cave Swallows Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into bird behaviors.

Rocket Launchers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work with an adult to build a rocket and launcher out of a plastic 2-liter bottle, flexible plastic hose, plastic tubing, toilet paper tube, and duct tape.

Batter Up!
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Baseball Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into how "bounciness" relates to the distance a ball will fly when hit off a batting tee.

Water Holes to Mini-Ponds
Source Institutions
Dig a hole, line it, fill it with fresh water, and you have a water hole: a good place to study colonization.

Wind Mapping with Bubbles
Source Institutions
Discover the wind's direction using bubbles, a map and a keen eye. Learners blow bubbles and note their general direction on a map, taking readings from different points around a building.

Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners dig for and collect isopods (sometimes known as "roly-poly bugs" or "potato bugs" and other names).

Right Hand/Left Hand
Source Institutions
In this activity (1st on the page), learners conduct a series of tests to find out which of their hands is more dominant. In other words, are they right-handed or left-handed?

Hold a Hill
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners investigate the relationship between the slope of a trail and soil erosion.

Lichen Looking
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners search for lichen, a combination of a fungus and an alga living together. Lichen grow where most other plants cannot, on rocks, the trunks of trees, logs and sand.

Source Institutions
Learners trace, cut out and fly a boomerang, outdoors or in a large indoor space.

Bean Bugs
Source Institutions
In this outdoor biology and math activity, learners estimate the size of a population of organisms too numerous to count.

Ball Bounce Experiment
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the properties of different types of balls.

Take a Hike!: A Family Forest Walk
Source Institutions
In this family or group inquiry activity, learners use their senses to explore a local forest or woodland.

Flocking for Food
Source Institutions
In this outdoor beach activity, learners use a variety of "beaks" (such as trowels, spoons or sticks) to hunt for organisms that shore birds might eat.

Pulse Pointer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate circulation and measure their own your heartbeat. A heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times the heart beats per minute.

I Like to Move-It
Source Institutions
This is an activity which will allow learners to gain an understanding of lemur behavior through observation and role play.

Ask an Elder
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners listen to a story and tell a story of their own as they learn about the importance of elders in Native American cultures.