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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Seismic Slinky!
Source Institutions
Did you know that a Slinky makes a handy model of earthquake waves?

Build a Solar System
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a scale model of the Solar System and learn the real definition of "space." Learners use the online calculator to create an appropriate scale to use as a basis for thei

Mid-Air Maneuver: Skateboard Science
Source Institutions
To understand how skaters turn in midair, try this little experiment! Individuals can do this activity alone, but it works better with a partner.

Solving Playground Network Problems
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use cooperation and logical thinking to find solutions to network problems on the playground.

Thrown For A Curve: Pitch Like A Big Leaguer
Source Institutions
You may have tried to throw a curveball or a slider, or even a screwball, with an ordinary baseball and found it difficult to do.

Balancing Stick
Source Institutions
In this quick and simple activity, learners explore how the distribution of the mass of an object determines the position of its center of gravity, its angular momentum, and your ability to balance it

Hoopster: An Airplane Made from Paper Hoops
Source Institutions
This activity provides instructions for making an aircraft that can really fly using a straw and paper hoops!

Bouncing Balls
Source Institutions
When baseball was in its infancy, the ball had plenty of bounce. Today's baseball may not seem to have bounce to it at all; if you drop a ball on the field it won't bounce back.

Traveling Networks
Source Institutions
In this geometry activity, learners explore networks painted on playgrounds, such as a four square court, and draw their own.