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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38

Make a Comeback Can
Source Institutions
Learners build a can that automatically returns after being rolled away. The can has a rubber band inside that stores energy as the can rolls one direction.

Egg Drop
Source Institutions
Perform this classic inertia demonstration to illustrate the transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy.

Source Institutions
Build a catapult that transforms the potential energy of a twisted rubber band into kinetic energy. Experiment with design variations so that you can hit a target with a projectile.

All Wound Up
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a racecar using only a rubber band, spool, straw, and paper clip! This racer is a classic toy that zips across a flat surface.

Newton's Cradle
Source Institutions
Build your own version of the classic physics toy using simple materials.

Tinkering with Tops
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the history, design and motion of spinning tops. Learners work in teams of "engineers" to design and build their own tops out of everyday items.

Hand Spin Helicopter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build helicopters and launchers using wooden dowels and scrap paper. Use this activity to explore rotational motion and kinetic and potential energy.

Marshmallow Catapult
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore physics by building a catapult that launches marshmallows with household objects.

Rubber Band Racer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct speedy vehicles made out of paper plates and powered by twisted rubber bands.

Paddle Boat
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build an old-fashioned paddle boat out of simple materials.

Paddle Power
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners build a boat that paddles itself using a rubber band as its power source.

Egg Bungee
Source Institutions
Learners attach an egg to a rubber-band bungee cord and drop the egg.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a model roller coaster to help the Mummy entertain the Atom's Family monsters. Learners assemble the roller coaster between two chairs using vinyl ceiling molding.

Give Me a Brake
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the concept of how brakes can stop or slow mechanical motion.

Water Fountain
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how a hydraulic pump works. Learners work in teams to design and build a unique water fountain that employs a hydraulic pump.

Sky Glider Challenge
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners use two helium-filled balloons to build a blimp that can travel in a straight path across the room.

Thrill Ride
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will build a roller coaster for a marble to run on using everyday household materials such as paper towel or toilet paper rolls, cups, boxes, books, buckets, chairs, etc.

What is Energy?
Source Institutions
In this exploratory activity, learners experiment, observe and determine how various toys change from one form of energy to another.

Wind Works!
Source Institutions
Learners will build and experiment with their own windmills made from simple household materials.

Masses & Springs
Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners use a realistic mass and spring laboratory. They hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping.