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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13

Lichen Looking
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners search for lichen, a combination of a fungus and an alga living together. Lichen grow where most other plants cannot, on rocks, the trunks of trees, logs and sand.

Sandy Samples
Source Institutions
In this collecting/comparing activity, learners work with samples of sand from different places like a lakefront, river, or ocean beach.

Digging Into the Past
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 23-27) lets learners simulate the work of scientists who take core samples of Earth's rocky layers to determine geological history.

Sand Activity
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners observe mixtures of sand samples glued to note cards, and consider how sand can differ in size, shape, and color, and where it comes from.

The Squeeze Box
Source Institutions
In this geology activity learners build a "squeeze box," which allows them to compress layers of sediment. This is a great way to investigate folding and faulting in the Earth.

Match Rock
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners try to figure out who has their matching rock type by reading a description of their rock (no talking!).

A Crayon Rock Cycle- Metamorphic
Source Institutions
This is part 2 of the three-part "Crayon Rock Cycle" activity and must be done after part 1: Sedimentary Rocks. In this activity, learners explore how metamorphic rocks form.

A Crayon Rock Cycle - Igneous
Source Institutions
This is part 3 of the three-part "Crayon Rock Cycle" activity. Before starting this section, learners must have completed part 1: sedimentary rock and part 2: metamorphic rocks.

Scram or Freeze
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity and animal-role-play game, learners discover and uncover the hidden world of "cryptozoa"—organisms such as spiders, salamanders and slugs that live under objects, like rocks a

A Crayon Rock Cycle- Sedimentary
Source Institutions
This is part 1 of the three-part "Crayon Rock Cycle" activity. In this activity, learners explore how sedimentary rocks form.

Teen Moon: Moon Ooze
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners model how the Moon's volcanic period reshaped its earlier features.

Fossil Rocks
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will discover how fossils are dug out of the earth by carefully exposing treasures hidden in an artificial rock that is easily made at home.

Finding Fossils
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 4 of the PDF under GPS: Baby Dinosaurs Activity) is a full inquiry investigation to determine the age of fossils based on where they are discovered.