Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 294

Lava Layering: Making and Mapping a Volcano
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how geologists use stratigraphy, the study of layered rock, to understand the sequence of geological events.

A Little Drop of Water: Cohesion
Source Institutions
Learners explore water's property of cohesion through two investigations.

Fizzy Nano Challenge
Source Institutions
This lesson focuses on how materials behave differently as their surface area increases.

Dust Catchers
Source Institutions
In this activity related to indoor air pollution, learners build take-home dust catchers with wax paper and petroleum jelly.

Lean, Mean Information Machine: Using a Simple Model to Learn about Chromosomal DNA
Source Institutions
Learners observe a model of a cell and its chromosomal DNA made from a plastic egg and dental floss. Use this model to illustrate how much DNA is held in one cell.

Geometry and Spatial Relations: Mirror, Mirror
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners use hinged mirrors to discover that regular polygons are composed of triangles tessellating around a center point.

Batter Up!
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Baseball Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into how "bounciness" relates to the distance a ball will fly when hit off a batting tee.

Deer Me: A Predator/Prey Simulation
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will simulate the interactions between a predator population of gray wolves and a prey population of deer in a forest.

Geometry and Spatial Relations: Sidewalk Capers
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners use a variety of manipulatives to explore spatial relationships of squares and their transformations.

Magnetic Spinner & Compass
Source Institutions
Learners use shop tools and various materials to construct a magnetic spinner and a compass.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that some things only stand up while they are spinning.

The Missing Link
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners collect, analyze, and interpret information about objects in order to classify them into a cladogram. Use this activity to talk about how scientists classify things.

Lichen Looking
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners search for lichen, a combination of a fungus and an alga living together. Lichen grow where most other plants cannot, on rocks, the trunks of trees, logs and sand.

Engineering For Earthquakes
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will engineer a structure and see if it can survive an earthquake they create.

Fan Cart
Source Institutions
If a sailboat is stranded because there is no wind, is it possible to set up a fan on deck and blow wind into the sail to make the boat move?

Our Sense of Sight: Color Vision
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate color vision as well as plan and conduct their own experiments.

Two Washers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a mind and math puzzle that requires a three-dimensional solution.

Kelp Critters
Source Institutions
This marine biology activity (on pages 11-17) introduces learners to kelp (seaweed) forests that grow in the ocean and are home to many species of sea animals.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a traditional Mexican noisemaker (a matraca) using cardboard, craft sticks, and a wooden dowel.

Fragile Waters
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 18-29) learners explore the impact of the March 24, 1989 oil spill in Alaska caused by the Exxon Valdez tanker.