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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18

Water Body Salinities I
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the different salinity levels of oceans, rivers and estuaries.

Water Body Salinities II
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discuss the different salinities of oceans, rivers and estuaries.

Bouncy Egg
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how acids can dissolve eggshells leaving behind a membrane-covered bouncy egg.

Mermaid's Purse
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 2 of pdf), learners craft a model of a skate egg case and come to understand that cartilaginous fish such as sharks and shakes employ reproductive strategies that differ from th

Reason for the Seasons
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 6 of the PDF), learners plot the path of the sun's apparent movement across the sky on two days, with the second day occurring two or three months after the first.

Plastic Milk: You can make plastic from milk
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2 of the PDF), learners make a plastic protein polymer from milk. Adding vinegar to milk causes the protein casein to solidify or curdle.

Dirt Life
Source Institutions
After an interest-generating discussion about "dirt" and microbes, learners select and collect soil samples from a variety of locations (schoolyard, home, etc.).

Treasures in the Rough
Source Institutions
In this archaeology activity, learners make observations and conduct an experiment to demonstrate the effect saltwater has on artifacts.

Green Pennies
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create their own experiment and test which of 4 mixtures of household chemicals turn pennies green over 5 days.

Can Nutrients in Water Cause Harm?
Source Institutions
In this water pollution activity, learners create pond water cultures and investigate the effects of adding chemicals or natural nutrients.

Heavy Metal
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 25-31 of PDF), learners soak sponges with different amounts of plaster of paris to simulate different levels of calcification in bone formation.

The Water Cycle
Source Institutions
Did you know that the water we use today is the same water found on Earth millions of years ago? The Earth constantly uses and recycles water in a process called the water cycle.

Air-filled (Pneumatic) Bone Experiments
Source Institutions
Just like birds, some dinosaurs had air-filled (pneumatic) bones, which made the dinosaurs' skeletons lighter.

Paper Mache Dinosaurs
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 6 of PDF), learners observe and reproduce the distinctive physical features (i.e. plates, sharp spikes, long necks, deep jaws, claws) of their favorite dinosaurs.

Moving On Up: Capillary Action 1
Source Institutions
Over the course of several days, learners explore the property of water that helps plants move water from roots to leaves or gives paper towels the capacity to soak up water.

Roller Coaster Design
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Roller Coaster Design Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into g-force and acceleration.

Water Cycle in a Bag
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a biosphere in a baggie.

Freshwater Ecosystems
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a freshwater ecosystem in a large plastic bottle. Learners cut and prepare bottles, then fill with water, aquatic plants, snails and fish.