Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 119

Lava Layering: Making and Mapping a Volcano
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how geologists use stratigraphy, the study of layered rock, to understand the sequence of geological events.

Dust Catchers
Source Institutions
In this activity related to indoor air pollution, learners build take-home dust catchers with wax paper and petroleum jelly.

Geometry and Spatial Relations: Mirror, Mirror
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners use hinged mirrors to discover that regular polygons are composed of triangles tessellating around a center point.

Skin Deep
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how to protect their skin while applying pesticides to plants.
Trading Places: Redox Reactions
Source Institutions
Visitors add drops of copper sulfate solution onto a steel nail. They observe the nail change color from silver to brown as the copper plates onto the nail.

Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners dig for and collect isopods (sometimes known as "roly-poly bugs" or "potato bugs" and other names).

Cells and Walls
Source Institutions
Using toothpicks, straws, or tubes of rolled up newspaper, learners create 3-dimensional models to illustrate the basic structure and function of the cell membrane, and place an object inside to repre

Toad Abode: Creating a Home for a Backyard Toad
Source Institutions
In this activity about backyard habitats learners create a safe and toad-friendly environment near their own home.
Currently Working: Testing Conductivity
Source Institutions
Visitors test solutions of water, sugar, salt, and hydrochloric acid and the solids salt and sugar. They clip leads from the hand generator to wires immersed in each substance.
Forwards and Backwards: pH and Indicators
Source Institutions
Visitors prepare six solutions combining vinegar and ammonia that range incrementally from acid (all vinegar) to base (all ammonia).

Making With Microbes
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will use microbes to design and grow a custom biomaterial at home and make something creative with it.

Heavyweight Champion: Jupiter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners confront their perceptions of gravity in the solar system.

Hot and Cold
Source Institutions
In this chemistry challenge, learners discover that many chemical reactions involve heat loss or gain.

Homemade Hovercraft!
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Hovercraft) is a full inquiry investigation into hovercraft engineering and design optimization.

Saldo Island: An Unfair Game
Source Institutions
In this environmental science activity about biodiversity, learners play a game to discover the effects of non-native species on an ecosystem.

Wild Sourdough
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore chemistry and the microbial world by making their own sourdough starter and bread at home using only flour and water.

Crank It Up
Source Institutions
In this engineering activity, learners explore simple machines and then build cardboard automata using cams.

Waterless Snow Globe
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will investigate static electricity as they create waterless snow globes.

Castle Basics
Source Institutions
In this four-day lesson, learners identify three-dimensional forms in castle design, research different parts of the castle with a focus on their uses, and design and enlarge a banner for the great ha

Magical Möbius
Source Institutions
In this tabletop activity (on pages 32-40), learners make Möbius strips -- 3D surfaces with only one side.