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Showing results 1 to 20 of 51

Fold a Crystal
Source Institutions
Rocks are made of minerals, and minerals often have crystal shapes. In this fun activity about geometry in nature, learners create their own crystal shapes out of paper.

Rusty Penny
Source Institutions
In this easy chemistry activity, learners submerge pennies in different liquids (water, lemon juice, vinegar, liquid hand soap, salt water, and baking soda mixed with water) to observe which best clea

Drop Shape
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners get a closer look at the shape of a drop of water and a drop of oil. Learners first drip water onto wax paper and examine the shape of separate drops from a side view.

The Scoop on Habitat
Source Institutions
Some aquatic organisms live in open water, while some live in soil at the bottom of a body of water.

Who Goes There?
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, night activity, learners track nocturnal animals' footprints, droppings and other signs of their presence.

Crawdad Grab
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, freshwater activity, learners explore the behavior and food preferences of crawdads (or crabs) by "fishing" for them with various baits.

Counting With Quadrants
Source Institutions
Millions of organisms can live in and around a body of water.

¡La colocación de seis tarjetas!
Source Institutions
En esta tira cómica, Cientina le enseña a Mateo un truco de lógica nuevo con seis tarjetas.

Rock Pioneers
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity/field trip, learners investigate organisms that live along the ocean's rocky coast.
Hexagon Hunt
Source Institutions
This activity gets learners looking at 6-sided shapes in nature, including the cells of a beehive, as well as other shapes.

Wash Away Germs
Source Institutions
Many germs spread by our hands, and often times, people don't wash their hands well enough to get rid of germs.

Measure Yourself in Nanometers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will be able to measure themselves in nanometers. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter, a unit of measurement used in nanotechnology.

Spill Spread
Source Institutions
In this simulation, learners explore how ocean currents spread all kinds of pollution—including oil spills, sewage, pesticides and factory waste—far beyond where the pollution originates.

Take a Plant to Lunch
Source Institutions
Learners make a "menu" of any plants in their lunch for Monday through Friday and draw the plants from their lunch.

Penny Rubbing
Source Institutions
In this art-related activity, learners make a coin rubbing—a process similar to what archeologists may do with ancient artifacts. This activity can be used in connection with a history or art lesson.

¡Huellas Digitales!
Source Institutions
En esta actividad, los aprendices leen sobre como Mateo y Cientina conducen una investigación forense para descubrir quien llevó unos dulces.

¡Separando Colores!
Source Institutions
En esta actividad, los aprendices aprenderán que es la cromatografía y cómo usarla para separar diferentes sustancias - en este caso,usarán los colores.

¡Libera el globo!
Source Institutions
En esta actividad, los aprendices usarán la lógica para ganar un juego. Dos personas toman turnos quitando uno o dos "cuerdas" de las estacas en el suelo.

¡Espirales de Colores!
Source Institutions
En esta actividad sobre la densidad de los líquidos, los participantes ven si las gotas de colorante se hunden en diferentes soluciones de agua.

Source Institutions
En esta actividad, los participantes explorarán las fuerzas de gravedad y la resistencia al aire usando paracaídas.