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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31

Paper Cover Up
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 11 of the PDF, learners use candle wax to make "invisible" designs that are revealed with watercolor paints.

Box Ecology
Source Institutions
This great "re-use it" activity will demonstrate how to transform a greeting card into a box. Once constructed, the box can have many uses like holding special notes or keepsakes.

Let's Clone a Mouse, Mouse, Mouse...
Source Institutions
Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) is a cloning method that involves transferring a nucleus from a somatic cell of the individual to be cloned to an enucleated egg.

African Arts
Source Institutions
In this two-day activity (on pages 16-22), learners use a process like that of the Yoruba people of Nigeria to create an African symbol on cloth.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a traditional Mexican noisemaker (a matraca) using cardboard, craft sticks, and a wooden dowel.

Paper Animals
Source Institutions
This resource contains ideas and brief instructions on how to build animals out of construction paper and other simple materials.

Pinhole Viewer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discuss and investigate how cameras, telescopes, and their own eyes use light in similar ways.

Iridescent Art
Source Institutions
This is a quick activity (on page 2 of the PDF under Butterfly Wings Activity) that illustrates how nanoscale structures, so small they're practically invisible, can produce visible/colorful effects.

Positive Planning Adds Up
Source Institutions
In this drawing/mapping activity, learners design plots of land while incorporating positive strategies for improving water quality.

Jumpy Dolls
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners are challenged to design and construct a jointed figure that moves in a motion (something like jumping jacks) when a string is pulled.

The Carbon Cycle and its Role in Climate Change: Activity 3
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the human influences on the carbon cycle and examine how fossil fuels release carbon.

Designer Ears: Make “better” ears!
Source Institutions
Find out what it would be like to have ears shaped differently from your own! Design and make different animal ears then try them out.

Lever Cowboy
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a figure that moves and "comes to life" when they pull its string.

Eye Spy
Source Institutions
This fun activity uses simple materials such as milk cartons and mirrors to introduce the ideas of optics and visual perception.

Mini Zoetrope
Source Institutions
In this activity (posted on March 27, 2011), learners follow the steps to construct a mini zoetrope, a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of static pictures.

Paper Maker
Source Institutions
Learners make their own paper. They start by shredding old newspaper, clean toilet paper, and clean paper towels.

Mint Your Own Coin
Source Institutions
Coins are everyday objects which tell a lot about the people who use them.

Spinning Illusions
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct three optical illusion toys to examine how our brains play tricks on what we see.

Bike Wheel Zoetrope
Source Institutions
In this activity (posted on April 18, 2011), learners follow the steps to construct a zoetrope, a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of static pictures, using a 16" bik

Making Recycled Paper
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 11 of the PDF, learners follow simple steps to recycle old newspaper into new paper.