Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 25

Circuit Game
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a game that tests their steadiness. Learners construct the game board by setting up an electrical circuit and a wand.

Building a Basic Series Circuit
Source Institutions
This activity was designed for blind learners, but all types of learners can use it to build and examine a basic electrical circuit.

Creepy Crawlers
Source Institutions
Trick your family and friends with this creepy crawler that moves up and down. In this activity, learners construct a circuit and motor device that will move a homemade spider in a spooky way.

Aluminum-Air Battery: Foiled again!
Source Institutions
Construct a simple battery that's able to power a small light or motor out of foil, salt water, and charcoal. A helpful video, produced by the Exploratorium, guides you along on this activity.

Cup Speaker
Source Institutions
Make your own speaker with a magnet, wire, and paper cup! If you have a radio with a headphone plug and an old pair of headphones, this is a great tinkering activity.

Flat Flashlight
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a tiny but powerful flashlight out of simple materials. Use this activity to introduce learners to electrical circuits and conductivity.

Speak to Me
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create a speaker using a paper cup, magnet, and enameled wire. Also included in this activity is a Mr.

Making a Battery from a Potato
Source Institutions
In this electrochemistry activity, young learners and adult helpers create a battery from a potato to run a clock.

Watch and Create! Creativity For Sustainability
Source Institutions
In this activity, children and adults work together to explore their relationship with technology and examine ways to make sustainable media consumption choices.

Glowing Pickle
Source Institutions
In this activity, high voltage is applied across a pickle to emit a yellow glow. This activity should only be conducted by skilled adults and is best suited as a demonstration.

Short Circuit
Source Institutions
In this activity about electricity, learners explore what happens when you blow a fuse.

Pickle-oh!: Musical Pickle Instrument
Source Institutions
What's a Pickle-Oh? Two pieces of pickle on a stick are connected to a Pico Cricket (micro controller). When you slide the pickles apart the note changes.

Control the Flow
Source Institutions
In this activity about electricity, learners build and test a paper clip switch to turn on a light bulb.

Hidden Alarm
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners invent a device that will make their friends and family ask, "What's buzzing?" Learners design an alarm with an on/off switch that is small enough to hide.

Personal Fan
Source Institutions
Cool off in the heat with this project! Learners use simple materials to build a fan that runs on a motor.

Circuits with Friends
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the parts of a circuit by modeling, as a group, a “human” circuit.

Got Gas?
Source Institutions
Create gas with a glass of water, some wire, conductors and a battery! You will be separating water (H2O) into oxygen and hydrogen.

Forward-Reverse Switch
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a switch to turn electrical circuits on and off.

Motor Learning
Source Institutions
In this activity (26th on the page), learners construct an easy-to-build device and test motor learning.

Stretch the Chain and See the Light
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use their strength to light a light bulb. A chain made from paper clips is placed in series with a battery and flashlight bulb.