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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

Traits Bingo
Source Institutions
In this game, learners cross off or color bingo squares in response to questions about their traits.

Stem Cell Differentiation Game
Source Institutions
This game uses a modified Uno deck to review concepts related to stem cell research and diabetes.

Source Institutions
This activity lets learners participate in the process of reconstructing a phylogenetic tree and introduces them to several core bioinformatics concepts, particularly in relation to evolution.

Mating Game
Source Institutions
In this game (on pages 14-21), learners explore how each human being inherits genetic traits such as eye color.

What's the Risk?
Source Institutions
To discover the risk and protective factors involved in substance addiction, learners play a game of chance to determine whether a fictitious child is likely or unlikely to abuse drugs.

Self-Assembly Game
Source Institutions
This is a quick game about self-assembly (page 2 of PDF under Self-Assembly Activity). Like the molecules of DNA, learners will self-assemble into a pattern by following a simple set of rules.

Family Traits and Traditions
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners play a matching game with their families to discover common inherited traits and traditions. Learners distinguish between inherited traits and learned traditions.