Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 92

Wind Mapping with Bubbles
Source Institutions
Discover the wind's direction using bubbles, a map and a keen eye. Learners blow bubbles and note their general direction on a map, taking readings from different points around a building.

Disease Detective
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 35-43) lets learners analyze a "herd of elk" to detect the spread of a bacterial disease called brucellosis.

How Much Water is in that Cloud?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners working in pairs saturate a cotton ball using water drops from an eyedropper to demonstrate the high water capacity of clouds.

Box Ecology
Source Institutions
This great "re-use it" activity will demonstrate how to transform a greeting card into a box. Once constructed, the box can have many uses like holding special notes or keepsakes.

Blowin’ Up a Storm of Oil
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate how wind can create surface currents and how waves move. Learners also discover how wind can affect oil spills.

Salt 'n Lighter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that as the salinity of water increases, the density increases as well. Learners prove this by attempting to float fresh eggs in saltwater and freshwater.
Investigating Density Currents
Source Institutions
In this lab activity, learners explore how to initiate a density current. Learners measure six flasks with different concentrations of salt and water (colored blue).

Take a Hike!: A Family Forest Walk
Source Institutions
In this family or group inquiry activity, learners use their senses to explore a local forest or woodland.

Carbon Sequestration
Source Institutions
In this inquiry-based lesson, learners measure the biomass of trees, calculate the carbon stored by the trees, and use this information to create recommendations about using trees for carbon sequestra

Earth's Energy Cycle: Albedo
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners experiment and observe how the color of materials that cover the Earth affects the amounts of sunlight our planet absorbs.

Film Canister Farming
Source Institutions
In this hands-on botany activity, learners sprout vegetables in film canisters.

Why Doesn’t the Ocean Freeze?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how salt water freezes in comparison to fresh water.

It's a Gas, Man
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover if carbon dioxide has an effect on temperature.

Flashy Fish
Source Institutions
Professor John Endler traveled to Trinidad in the 1970s to study wild guppies. In this activity, learners take part in an online simulation of Endler's work.
Sea State: Forecast Conditions at Sea
Source Institutions
In this oceanography and data collection activity, learners cast real time sea state conditions using buoys from NOAA's National Data Buoy Center.

Percentage of Oxygen in the Air
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners calculate the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere by using steel wool's ability to rust.

Measuring Wind Speed
Source Institutions
In this indoor and/or outdoor activity, learners make an anemometer (an instrument to measure wind speed) out of a protractor, a ping pong ball and a length of thread or fishing line.
Hexagon Hunt
Source Institutions
This activity gets learners looking at 6-sided shapes in nature, including the cells of a beehive, as well as other shapes.

It's Natural
Source Institutions
This activity introduces learners to Native Americans as people who depended upon nature in the past and continue to emphasize the importance of nature in the present.

Discovering Rainforest Locations
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will examine various world data maps to combine the information and predict which areas could be tropical rainforests.