Search Results
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Heart and Lungs
Source Institutions
In this environmental health activity, learners investigate their breathing and pulse rates, and learn how these measurements are affected by physical activity.

Salt Water Revival
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners visit the intertidal zone of a rocky coastal site well populated with marine organisms.

Respiration Relay
Source Institutions
In this physical activity, groups of learners act as blood cells traveling through the circulatory system.

Ins and Outs of Respiration: Determine your Respiratory Rate
Source Institutions
Learners will determine their respiratory rate and explore the factors that affect breathing rate by filling out and using the Respiratory Chart provided in the lesson.

Circulatory System Skit: Act out the Flow of Blood
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners act out the flow of blood in the human body! A great way to get learners up and moving while learning about the circulatory system.

Heart Rate and Exercise
Source Institutions
In this activity about heart health (on page 27 of the PDF), learners measure their heart rates after a variety of physical activities and compare the results with their resting heart rates, and with