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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15

Magnetic Spinner & Compass
Source Institutions
Learners use shop tools and various materials to construct a magnetic spinner and a compass.

Mix and Match
Source Institutions
In this activity (7th activity on the page), learners use their sense of hearing to find a "sound match." Learners shake containers filled with items like dry seeds, sand, beans, etc.

Bready Bubble Balloon
Source Institutions
Learners discover the bubble power of living cells in this multi-hour experiment with baker's yeast. Learners make a living yeast/water solution in a bottle, and add table sugar to feed the yeast.

Stripped-down Motor
Source Institutions
In this activity, you'll make an electric motor--a simple version of the electric motors found in toys, tools, and appliances everywhere.

Circuit Bending with Play-Doh
Source Institutions
Break open that used musical toy and squish some Play-Doh over the circuit boards, and you will hear some weird and distorted sounds the manufacturer never intended!

Caring Together: Activity Stations
Source Institutions
In this Bob the Builder(TM)-themed activity, learners explore the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) by rotating through several activity stations.

Rutherford Roller
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a black box device that serves as an excellent analogy to Rutherford's famous experiment in which he deduced the existence of the atomic nucleus.

Source Institutions
In this two-part activity about luminescence, learners explore the chemistry that happens inside glow sticks and other light producing reactions.

Homemade Rube Goldberg Machine
Source Institutions
In this fun and, at times, hilarious force and motion activity, learners will use household objects to build a crazy contraption and see how far they can get a tennis ball to move.

Cup Draw
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct drawing machines using a cup, some markers, and a cricket to control the movement. A programmed LEGO RCX or Cricket is required for this high-tech version.

Source Institutions
Everybody loves boomerangs! In this activity about force and motion, the learners will experiment with boomerangs and explore how they work. This is a great activity to get learners up and moving.

Make Pan Pipes
Source Institutions
This is a simple activity for learners to create a traditional musical instrument. Pan Pipes have developed all over the world in different cultures, from South America to Greece and China.

Balloon Impacts
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners measure the diameter of their water balloons, model an impact, measure the diameter of the “crater” area, and determine the ratio of impactor to crater.

Lager Lamp
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, adult learners create a lava lamp using beer and nuts! Use this pub-themed activity to demonstrate the effects of buoyancy and bubbles.

Balloon Car
Source Institutions
Build a car that runs on air. Using household materials, experiment with the power of air to create thrust powerful enough to move a homemade car.