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Showing results 301 to 320 of 400

Paper Tape Motion Timer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a recording timer made from simple materials (e.g., small dc motor, sharpie pen, craft sticks, adding machine paper tape, etc.).

Erupting Fizz
Source Institutions
This is a highly visual demonstration that illustrates both the effects of density and chemical reactions.

Space Stations: Follow the Bouncing Ball!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners predict whether a ball on Earth or a ball on the Moon bounces higher when dropped and why.

Exploring Bouncing Balls
Source Institutions
Learners explore the physical properties of a variety of balls and how they bounce.

LEGO Robots
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under GEMS Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into technology design and testing.

Loony Balloons
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate how changing the center of gravity of a balloon affects how it travels. Learners fill a balloon with a little bit of water and insert into an empty balloon.

Super Spinners
Learners build at least two different spinners (tops) to investigate how mass distribution, size, and shape affect the length of time the spinner spins.

Solving Linear Equations: The Yo-Yo Problem
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners explore linear patterns, write a pattern in symbolic form, and solve linear equations using algebra tiles, symbolic manipulation, and a graphing calculator.

Marshmallow Puff Tube
Source Institutions
In this demonstration/activity, learners observe as a regular size marshmallow is blown through a tube made from a manila file folder.

Scented Dough
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners follow a recipe to create play dough scented with fruit-flavored drink mix.

Games of Chance and Brains
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build and play three math games. In the first game, called "Switcheroo," learners place marbles in holes 1 through 4 and 7 through 10.

Source Institutions
In this chemistry activity, learners make a slimy non-Newtonian fluid called "Gluep." Use this activity to introduce learners to polymers and viscosity.

Springs and Stomachs
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners investigate mass, gravity, and acceleration by dropping a wooden bar with a balloon attached to its underside, a mass suspended from it by rubber bands, and a sharp-poi

Electromagnetic Dancer: Connect Her Up and Watch Her Dance!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use a nail and magnet wire to build an electromagnet, which controls the movements of a paper dancer.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will make a thaumatrope, an old-fashioned optical illusion that dates back to the 1820s.

Source Institutions
Everybody loves boomerangs! In this activity about force and motion, the learners will experiment with boomerangs and explore how they work. This is a great activity to get learners up and moving.

Make Pan Pipes
Source Institutions
This is a simple activity for learners to create a traditional musical instrument. Pan Pipes have developed all over the world in different cultures, from South America to Greece and China.

Source Institutions
In this design activity, learners create a vehicle that can transport a load, like a favorite toy or as a recycled object, from the top of a zipline to the bottom using only gravity.

Source Institutions
In this activity related to Newton's Laws of Motion, learners build a boat powered by a propeller in the air.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build their own rockets from paper, coffee stirrers, and tape. Learners discover that when anything flies, air pressure is always involved.