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Art Cars
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners design miniature cars. Learners can create a telephone car, soccer car, merry-go-round car, or any other theme car they can imagine.

Push Pull Painter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create painting machines that can paint moving forwards and backwards.

Straws and Airplanes
Source Institutions
Create airplanes from straws and geometric shapes. Test them out to see how far they can fly, or how accurately they can be aimed.

Parachuting Pinwheel
Source Institutions
Build a pinwheel that works without wind! This activity contains steps on how to build a parachuting pinwheel out of paper, a film canister, and some brads.

Balloon Rocket
Source Institutions
Experiment with force and pressure by building a balloon rocket. When launched, the balloon will run a track wherever you place the string.