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Mars Perseverance Activity: Mud Splat Craters
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the physics of impact craters from their own backyard using mud. Learners are encouraged to match features of real impact craters to their models.

Exploring the Solar System: Mars Rovers
Source Institutions
In "Exploring the Solar System: Mars Rovers," participants learn about how scientists and engineers use robotic rovers and other vehicles to explore distant worlds, and experience some of the challeng

Solve The Fall
Source Institutions
In this twist on a classic design challenge, learners will try to stop a bouncy ball from bouncing as they explore how to control the fall of an object.

Mars from Above: Viewing Volcanoes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create volcanoes like those they have examined on Earth and Mars through images taken by spacecraft.

Signs of Life
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine photo images of Earth taken from space, and attempt to identify and explain some of our planet's geological features.