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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

The Power of Words
Source Institutions
This simple, yet surprising physics demonstration challenges preconceptions about forces, and demonstrates the strength of atmospheric pressure.

Cartesian Diver
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of density and pressure. A "diver" constructed out of a piece of straw and Blu-Tack will bob inside a bottle filled with water.

Amazing Marshmallows
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of air pressure. They will watch as marshmallows inside a bottle expand as a vacuum pump removes air from the bottle.

Waterproof Hanky
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners will be surprised when a handkerchief holds water in an upside-down glass.

Crunch Time
Source Institutions
In this quick and easy activity and/or demonstration, learners use two empty 2-liter bottles and hot tap water to illustrate the effect of heat on pressure.

Bernoulli Levitator
Source Institutions
Demonstrate the Bernoulli Principle using simple materials on a small or large scale.

What Causes Pressure?
Source Institutions
In this kinesthetic activity that demonstrates pressure, learners act as air molecules in a "container" as defined by a rope.

A Pressing Engagement
Source Institutions
In this quick and easy activity and/or demonstration, learners illustrate the effect of the weight of air over our heads.

Bernoulli and More Bernoulli
Source Institutions
This lesson guide includes six simple and quick activities to help learners better understand Bernoulli's Principle.

Does Air Weigh Anything?
Source Institutions
The demonstration/experiment provides quick proof that air has mass.

Go with the Flow
Source Institutions
In this quick and easy activity and/or demonstration, learners use two empty soda cans to illustrate Bernoulli's principle.

What is a “Convection Cell”?
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners can observe a number of small convection cells generated from a mixture of aluminum powder and silicon oil on a hot plate.

Heavy Air
Source Institutions
In this activity and/or demonstration, learners illustrate visually and physically that air has weight. Learners balance two equally-inflated balloons hanging from string on a yard stick.

Lifting Lemon
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners will be surprised when a lemon slice appears to magically levitate within a pint glass.

Marshmallow Puff Tube
Source Institutions
In this demonstration/activity, learners observe as a regular size marshmallow is blown through a tube made from a manila file folder.

I Can't Take the Pressure!
Learners develop an understanding of air pressure in two different activities.