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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24

Space Stations: Bones of Contention
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make models representing bones on Earth and bones that have been in space. They discover what happens to bones without proper exercise and nutrition.

Cover Your Mouth
Source Institutions
In this health activity (page 3 of the PDF), learners will discover why covering their mouth and nose while sneezing is so important.
Pollution and Lung Health
Source Institutions
Learners will build a lung model to understand how their lungs and diaphragm work to make them breathe.

Handwashing Laboratory Activities: Bowl Technique
Source Institutions
In this lab (Activity #2 on page), learners compare bacteria growth on two petri dishes containing nutrient agar. Learners touch the doors, faucets, etc.

Germ Tag
Source Institutions
In this version of tag, a large group of learners model how the body fights infection. Learners act as germs, as lymphocytes, and as the body's cells threatened by germs.

Wash Away Germs
Source Institutions
Many germs spread by our hands, and often times, people don't wash their hands well enough to get rid of germs.

Wash This Way
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 4 of the PDF, learners investigate the importance of washing their hands.

Inside Out
Source Institutions
Learners draw and cut out shapes of organs from construction paper. Then they attach these organs to the body of one learner to make a life-sized map of all the internal organs.

What Goes Around Comes Around
Source Institutions
In this simulation activity, learners act as parts of the circulatory system and discover how it serves as a transport system for food/nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste.

Work Up An Appetite
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners participate in fun movement activities while playing on a giant game board. Use this activity to get learners involved in physical activity.

Respiration Relay
Source Institutions
In this physical activity, groups of learners act as blood cells traveling through the circulatory system.

Hot Potato
Source Institutions
In this health activity (page 7 of the PDF), learners will discover the importance of handwashing as a factor in reducing the spread of pathogens.

Mapping the Spread of HIV/AIDS: Trailing the Pandemic
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners act as epidemiologists by mapping the prevalence of HIV/AIDS worldwide.

Space Stations: Follow the Bouncing Ball!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners predict whether a ball on Earth or a ball on the Moon bounces higher when dropped and why.

Space Stations: Measure Up!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work in pairs to measure each other's ankles with lengths of string.

Natural Selection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.3-4 of PDF), learners learn about disease transmission and antibiotic resistance.

Sweet Measurements
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 3 of the PDF, learners investigate how much sugar is in a soda. Learners use sugar cubes to measure and calculate the amount of sugar in a bottle of soda.

Clean Me Up, Snotty
Source Institutions
Learners will explore the chemistry of mucous and its importance to our health by following a process to make their own replica "snot." The activity includes a time and age recommendation, a materials

Fruits and Vegetables: Color Your Plate
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore healthy choices related to the foods they eat. The importance of a variety of fruits and vegetables to a healthy diet is the focus of the experience.

Water: A Basic Ingredient
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore healthy choices related to the liquids they drink. The importance of water and milk as essential nutrients for a healthy body is the focus of the experience.