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Source Institutions
Build a catapult that transforms the potential energy of a twisted rubber band into kinetic energy. Experiment with design variations so that you can hit a target with a projectile.

Rubber Band Racer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct speedy vehicles made out of paper plates and powered by twisted rubber bands.

Roving on the Moon
Add to list DetailsIn this design challenge activity, learners build a rubber band-powered rover that can scramble across the room.

Give Me a Brake
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the concept of how brakes can stop or slow mechanical motion.

How Do We Convert Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use a compass, powerful magnet, and copper magnet wire to build a special generator known as a dynamo.

Thrill Ride
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will build a roller coaster for a marble to run on using everyday household materials such as paper towel or toilet paper rolls, cups, boxes, books, buckets, chairs, etc.

Roller Coasters
Source Institutions
In this design challenge, learners will create their own roller coaster using household objects for the track and a marble or small ball as their cart.

Target Practice
Source Institutions
In this dynamic activity, learners build a catapult that launches projectiles, such as marshmallows.