Search Results
Showing results 21 to 40 of 111
Comparing the Density of Different Liquids
Source Institutions
Learners carefully pour vegetable oil, water, and corn syrup in any order into a cup and discover that regardless of the order they are poured, the liquids arrange themselves in layers the same way.
Get the Porridge Just Right
Source Institutions
Learners set up three different bowls, each with a different mass of oatmeal. Learners monitor the temperature of the oatmeal and find that larger masses take longer to cool.
Falling Feather
Source Institutions
In this physics activity, learners recreate Galileo's famous experiment, in which he dropped a heavy weight and a light weight from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to show that both weights fall
Scaling an Atom
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a scale model of an atom to see how big or how small an atom is compared to its nucleus. Learners will realize that most of matter is just empty space!
Newton's 2nd Law: Inquiry Approach
Source Institutions
In this lab activity, learners act as fellow scientists and colleagues of Isaac Newton. He has asked them to independently test his ideas on the nature of motion, in particular his 2nd Law.
Physics in the Kitchen: Sink or Swim Soda
Source Institutions
In the kitchen, learners can perform their own density investigation.
Design a Lunar Rover!
Source Institutions
In this team design challenge (page 2-10 of PDF), learners design and build a model of a Lunar Transport Rover that will carry equipment and people on the surface of the Moon.
Wrap It Up!
Source Institutions
In this Energy and Environment activity (page 9 of the PDF), learners calculate the mass of a piece of gum, compare it to the mass of the gum's packaging, and then create a bar graph of the results.
My Solar System
Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners build their own system of heavenly bodies and watch the gravitational ballet.
Having a Gas with Cola
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners measure the amount of carbon dioxide in a carbonated drink.
Two Ball Bounce
Source Institutions
This is a quick, yet dramatic activity/demonstration that introduces learners to the concept of energy transfer. A small ball is placed on top of a large ball and both are dropped together.
Ship the Chip
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore engineering package designs that meet the needs of safely shipping a product.
Heavy Lifting
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work in NASA teams to build balloon-powered rockets using identical parts and compete to launch the greatest number of paper clips to "space" (the ceiling).
Design a Landing Pod!
Source Institutions
In this team design challenge (page 11-18 of PDF), learners design and build a Landing Pod for a model Lunar Rover (previously built in activity on page 1-10 of PDF).
Space Stations: Beans in Space
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners perform 20 arm curls with cans that simulate the weight of beans on Earth versus the weights of the same number of beans on the Moon and in space.
Jar Races
Source Institutions
In this physics activity, learners will gain a better understanding of how friction, inertia, and mass affect objects.
Action-Reaction Rocket!
Learners construct a rocket from a balloon propelled along a guide string.
Lightest and Heaviest: Sorting Algorithms
Source Institutions
Computers are often used to put lists into some sort of order—for example, names into alphabetical order, appointments or e-mail by date, or items in numerical order.
Air, It's Really There
Source Institutions
This lesson focuses on molecular motion in gases. Learners compare the mass of a basketball when it is deflated and after it has been inflated.