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Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (9th activity on the page), learners smell 10 different items with different odors, including some edible food items.

Smell Detective
Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (8th activity on the page), learners smell 10 different items with different odors. Then they try to identify the smells when they are mixed together.

Snotty Nose
Source Institutions
Our bodies produce snot, or mucus, that we blow from our noses. In this activity, learners will create a model of how snot works and will explore how it keeps our bodies healthy.

Smell Match
Source Institutions
In this matching activity (3rd activity on the page), learners use their sense of smell to match pairs of opaque containers filled with various smelly items like orange peel, roses, or moth balls.

Molecule Match
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will use their nose to sniff out hidden scents using extracts and cotton balls. Activity includes materials list, game instructions, STEM connections and more.