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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Forwards and Backwards: pH and Indicators
Source Institutions
Visitors prepare six solutions combining vinegar and ammonia that range incrementally from acid (all vinegar) to base (all ammonia).

Source Institutions
Using electrolysis, learners produce hydrogen gas and oxygen gas from water molecules in a solution.
Stability of Egg White Foams
Source Institutions
In this chemistry meets cooking activity, learners compare the stability of egg white foams with various additives.

Fruit Juice Mystery
Source Institutions
In this chemistry challenge, learners work to figure out which of four juices are real, and which is just food coloring and sugar.

Chemical Identification
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how a cabbage juice indicator helps identify acids and bases, and how iodine indicates the presence of starch.

Off Base
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the factors that tend to resist changes in pH of the ocean and why the ocean is becoming more acidic.