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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Soda Pop Can Hero Engine
Source Institutions
In this demonstration/activity, water streaming through holes in the bottom of a suspended soda pop can causes the can to rotate.

It's a Gas!
Source Institutions
In this simple activity, learners see the production of a gas, which visibly fills up a balloon placed over the neck of a bottle.

Gas Production: Blow up a balloon!
Source Institutions
In this classic reaction, learners baking soda and vinegar in a soda bottle to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. This gas inflates a balloon.

Imploding Pop Can
Source Institutions
In this dramatic activity/demonstration about phase change and condensation, learners place an aluminum can filled with about two tablespoons of water on a stove burner.

Balloon Car
Source Institutions
In this physics activity, challenge learners to make and race a balloon-powered car. Learners construct the body out of a paper cup, wheels out of wooden spools. and fuel tank out of a balloon.

Bernoulli Levitator
Source Institutions
Demonstrate the Bernoulli Principle using simple materials on a small or large scale.

Does Air Weigh Anything?
Source Institutions
The demonstration/experiment provides quick proof that air has mass.

Dunk and Flip
Source Institutions
Learners complete two simple experiments to prove the existence of air and air pressure which surround us.

Fun With Stress
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners complete simple exercises to investigate the relationship between force, area and pressure and their effects on materials.

Stadium Seat Science
Source Institutions
Take the two-straw challenge and discover how pressure affects vacuums! In this activity, learners experiment with drinking through one and two straws, comparing the amount of liquid they can drink.

Balloon in a Bottle
Source Institutions
In this physics activity (page 3 of the PDF), learners will see firsthand that air takes up space and has pressure by attempting to inflate a balloon inside of a bottle.

Go with the Flow
Source Institutions
In this quick and easy activity and/or demonstration, learners use two empty soda cans to illustrate Bernoulli's principle.

What is a “Convection Cell”?
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners can observe a number of small convection cells generated from a mixture of aluminum powder and silicon oil on a hot plate.

Updrafts in Action
Source Institutions
In this weather activity/demonstration, learners watch as a ping pong ball is suspended in a stream of air supplied by a hair dryer.

How it is Currently Done
Source Institutions
In this quick activity, learners observe how wind creates ocean currents.

Bernoulli Brain Teasers
Source Institutions
In this activity related to flight, learners conduct two simple tests to explore how lift works.